Tuesday, October 25


The poncho is finally done. It needs a few beads for the decorative tie but it is complete. It will be the end of Nov. Before I can actually wear it though. It did turn cool this week but 69 degrees does not mean break out every sweater you own and wear it. If you did you would die of heat exhaustion by mid afternoon.

Okay. I started my next project it is a wrap from the Weekend Knitting book. It has great projects but the author's directions for her patterns are not always clear, but the designs are great. It has start out ok we will see if I get the instructions correct. While I am knitting I decide to catch the latest episode of Knitty Gritty on DIY. It is all about knitting with wire. Usually I learn something from each show but I was so bored with the guest and all the projects. I have hard enough time fighting with my circular needles so do you really think I want to learn to fuss with wire. Please....So has the self proclaimed crafty girl run out of ideas? Hmmmmm.

I will leave you with this fabu shot of Reagan. Don't know what she's doing but I found her just hanging her on the bar chairs. I've said it before she totally makes me laugh. She is always doing something cuckoo.


At 11:48 AM, Blogger Lissa said...

Hi Melissa,
I hereby tag you with the "20 things about me" meme.
From Melissa


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